At AWF Slampede, Alex Salyers takes on Chris Evans in the first-ever Texas Death Match in AWF history. But, what exactly... are the rules?
Here are some of the main points:
No disqualification
No holds-barred
Both competitors must sign "hold-harmless agreements" With AWF Officials, prior to the event
Decision is at the discretion of the referee (or AWF Officials)
There must be a winner
How to win:
You must pin your opponent for the count of three (3), then:
Your opponent must fail to answer a "standing 10-count" from the referee
AWF Officials and the competitors involved have agreed that this is the best way to settle what's become a storied, 8-year feud between Evans and Salyers.
Click here to get your tickets to AWF SLAMPEDE - SAT Jul 29 at the Maverick Salon in Phoenix, AZ.