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Upset of the Year? Cruz Defeats Hammer at the Reckoning

Writer's picture: Gabriel AndersGabriel Anders

Has Jordan Cruz finally "arrived" in the Arizona Wrestling Federation, with his latest victory over Hammerstone last weekend?


JORDAN CRUZ was able to record a victory against HAMMERSTONE, Saturday March 13 at The Reckoning in Phoenix, AZ. In a hard fought battle, Jordan Cruz was able score a pinfall victory over Hammerstone. Some of the fans seemed to have a sour taste in their mouths, following the match, however. It does not seem like this victory was 100% on the "up & up"...

As I watched the matches last Saturday night, I was extremely excited to see this matchup between the well-established, legend in the making Alexander Hammerstone and the newer, up and coming Jordan Cruz. Cruz is one of the most promising blue-chippers in the AWF locker room at this moment. The sky is ultimately the limit for Cruz.

Under normal circumstances, I would imagine this victory to immediately sky rocket Cruz up the power rankings. Under normal circumstances, I could see this victory even catapulting Cruz into possible championship contendership- either the AWF State Championship or quite possible even the AWF Championship title hunts. However, these did not seem to be normal circumstances.

If you haven't heard by now, Cruz defeated Hammerstone, yes. Cruz did fight toe to toe competitively with one of the most dominant competitors in AWF history (Hammerstone), yes. Cruz did successfully take advantage of one opportune moment to gain the "W" by pinning Hammerstone in the middle of the ring, yes. BUT- the opportune moment that Cruz took advantage of was *allegedly* grabbing the referee and *seemingly deliberately* delivering a low-blow to Hammer with the referee's sight obstructed.

Personally, since this is an editorial piece, I'd like to clarify that I've been a big fan of Cruz. I fully believe that he is capable of possibly even scoring this kind of underdog victory over Hammerstone. Hence, why I was so excited for this match. But to be completely honest, I don't know that this was the way to go about it. I know with some competitors, winning is winning. But when you have the tools to beat someone clean- call me crazy- but I think you should do it. A loss doesn't mean the end of the world, so I'm hoping that we'll be able to see these two compete again- CLEANLY. From what feedback I've seen since Saturday, I'm sure the AWF FanNation would like to see this as well.

Rumor circulating around the hallways at AWF HQ is that we may get our wish at Triumph. The event is 32 days away, and nothing has been confirmed as of the publishing of this article. But, it's sounding like the "powers that be" are heavily considering a rematch between Cruz and Hammerstone, April 17th in Phoenix, AZ at Triumph. We'll keep you informed on if this rematch rumor is confirmed, as well as all of the other match announcements as they happen. So check back regularly!

A tweet from Cruz (@Jordancruzpro on Twitter), promptly following his match with Hammerstone at the Reckoning:

To get your tickets for AWF Triumph on April 17 in Phoenix, click here. Tickets are EXTREMELY LIMITED, so get yours quick!


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